Text Box: Sandra Davies - Dominant Distributor
Text Box: I personally attend to your orders, and will deliver to your door at no extra charge  (within local area)
Picture of SandraDominant HeaderText Box: Sandra Davies
6 Lenkunya Court
Eltham North Vic  3095
(Melway Map 11 Ref H-10)
Telephone: (03) 9439 0323
Mobile: 0438 390 322
Email: sandra.davies@bigpond.com
Text Box: I also do various festivals and markets in the Diamond Valley area. 
Click the  “Where to find me”  tab for my current market/festival schedule.

What makes our product range safe and green?

No Chlorine

Many brands use chlorine in dishwasher powders, toilet cleaners, shower cleaners and of course bleach where chlorine is the main ingredient.


No Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde can be found in many different products from cleaning to personal care. It is an irritant to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs and has also been researched as a possible cancer causing chemical.


No or Low Levels of Ammonia

Although ammonia is a relatively safe chemical when mixed with other chemicals such as chlorine it can cause a dangerous toxic gas. 
We prefer not to use ammonia however it is an ingredient in our Glass & Chrome cleaner in low levels as it aids in the product drying quickly.


No SLS or SLES in Personal Care Products

Over the past few years many people have become concerned about the use of the ingredients SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) and SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) in their personal care products. Although these ingredients can be used to a safe level, they are known as a primary irritant to the eyes and skin. D’amia, Saniclear, all Care Conditioners and anti-perspirants do not contain any form of laureth or lauryl Sulphates. All other personal care products however do contain ammonium Lauryl Sulphate and Ammonium Laureth Sulphate. These are much milder cleansing ingredients derived from coconut extracts.
You will also be happy to know that our cleaning and laundry products also do not contain SLS or SLES with exception to Three-In-One Carpet Shampoo.


No Added Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is known for its use in pharmaceuticals, personal care products and in food processing. It is known to be an irritant and can cause problems if ingested. We do not add any propylene glycol to our products however there may be very small trace elements in the preservatives used. At this extremely low level there would be no danger of any adverse side affects.


Synthetic Ingredients that Imitate Nature

Some products on the market claim to contain all natural ingredients and while we endeavour to use natural ingredients this is not always possible. Supply of natural ingredients can be erratic due to weather and growing conditions. In some cases we choose to use synthetic ingredients that imitate nature, this means we have a reliable supply of a more consistent raw material.


No or Low Levels of Phosphates

Although phosphates are not dangerous to our health, high levels of phosphates in our water ways can promote the growth of algal blooms that can cripple local water supplies. Many of our laundry powders and other cleaning products are phosphate free or contain low levels of phosphates, minimising the affect on the environment.